Number Manager

Grow telecom revenue with Number Manager

Take control of inbound calls with ease.
With Number Manager, you have everything you need to offer premium inbound services under your own brand.

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Streamline calls with Number Manager

Number Manager allows you to route, manage and monitor calls with just a few clicks. Symbio provides an entire range of inbound numbers to suit businesses operating locally, nationally and internationally.

Fully white-label

BYO Domain and Branding. Number Manager is fully white-label, and can be customised to fit your brand’s look and feel.

This allows you to choose the features available within Number Manager, as well as how it looks so you can promote it your way.

Features and Services

Number Manager comes with a wide array of advanced call routing and management features. This means you can pick and choose which features you want to offer, and create flexible pricing models for your customers

Call Queuing

With network Call Queueing you have unlimited line capacity. Calls are queued within the carrier network, so you don’t need expensive surplus lines on site to handle call volumes that only occur during peak periods.

Multiple Number Types

Number Manager supports 1300, 1800, 13, Local, Mobile and International Numbers. Choose from Milllions of Symbio’s own numbers, or easily port your existing numbers.

Graphic virtual mobile numbers - mobile telephone with chat messages and replies

IVR - Auto Attendant

Add an automated menu system to your number. Customers can choose options by pressing numbers on their dial pad, directing their call to where it needs to go.

Graphic toll free numbers - globe with map pin marker, hashtag and telephone numbers beginning 0800, 1800, 0508

Online Call Statistics

Our touch-of-a-button call reports can provide instant and valuable information about the calls you receive. Receive quick info in real time and live call status reports so you can monitor and react as needed.

Graphic shared cost telephone numbers - Mobile and landline telephone icons on top of Australia map

Additional Features and Services

Icon globe with location pin

Call Recording

Record any number without hardware installation. Download recordings directly, or receive them via email or FTP.

Icon cog wheel with tick, control

Caller & Date Exceptions

Create routing rules for specific phone numbers, or for specific dates.

Graphic icon, telecommunications tower

Disaster Recovery

Divert calls to an alternate line or plan to respond to an emergency.

Icon cloud with linking nodes, coverage

Area-Based Routing

Route calls based on the geographical origin of the caller. State, exchange or postcode-based locations are supported.

Direct-to-carrier icon graphic, cloud connecting two opposite ends

Voicemail & Missed
Call Alerts

Customers can leave voicemails during pre-determined times. Email notifications can be also be sent to notify of missed calls.

Icon cloud with hash tag

Display Number

A caller's number and the number they have dialled can be displayed.

Graphic icon increase arrow pointing up from bottom left to top right

Mid-Call Transfer

Transfer calls internally, or from one type of line to another. This avoids transfer costs and unnecessary traffic on your phone lines.

Graphic laptop computer and mobile telephone device

Hunt Group & Multi-Call

This enables multiple phones to cycle or ring at once until one is answered.

Local experts on your side

You’re backed by an Australian-based success team. Our specialist staff train you to use Number Manager, and provide ongoing support.  

In the background, our market leading technology and expert in-house developers keep your calls running 24 hour a day, 365 days a year.

See how Symbio can help you

Contact us for an obligation-free demo

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